Make Sure You Are not Overpaying Amazon for Storage and Shipping!

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A couple of inches might seem like not such a big deal, but incorrect product measurements can have a huge impact on your FBA shipping costs and thus your profit.

Many sellers are frequently missing out on the changes affecting shipping costs, increased tariffs and more. Such changes can eat out your profit margins, and you definitely want to make sure that you are not overpaying Amazon for shipping your product via FBA, and sellerboard can easily help you with that. 

The Alerting feature in sellerboard will notify you when changes happen to your products, such as:

  • Category changes
  • Commission changes
  • Dimension changes
  • FBA fee changes

A small change in width from 2.89 inches to 5 inches can result in your product being charged 3 more pounds in shipping weight. 

Once you notice a change in the FBA fee, you can open up a case with Seller Central asking them to remeasure your product and have a possibility to get reimbursed.

Every penny overpaid for shipping adds up and affects your bottom line. Therefore, make sure to have the “Alerts” feature turned on in your sellerboard account so you can be notified if any changes occur. 

In case you did not have “Alerts” activated yet, and you do not know if Amazon has every changed the FBA fees or your product’s dimensions in the past, make sure to try out the “Money Back” feature and get reimbursed for FBA errors. 

sellerboard is an accurate profit analytics service for amazon sellers with additional tools: follow-up mail campaigns, inventory management, reimbursements for lost & damaged stock and other FBA errors, PPC optimizer, listing change alerts. All this starting at $15 a month with a free trial.

Get your 1 month of free access to sellerboard using this link.