FBA Profit Calculator

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FBA Profit Calculator is a free plug-in for Google Chrome from sellerboard for searching products on Amazon and analyzing their potential profit.

The plugin allows you to determine the potential profit that you can get for a particular product by analyzing similar products of your competitors on Amazon.

How does it work?

On the page of the product you want to sell, activate the plugin in the upper right corner of the browser, after having installed it through the link http://bit.ly/FBA_ProfitCalculator

In the form of the plugin, enter the approximate purchase value of the goods and it will automatically calculate your approximate profit.

All other parameters are filled in automatically, while, if necessary, you can change the data manually.

Watch a detailed video on how to use the FBA Profit Calculator from sellerboard:

sellerboard is an accurate profit analytics service with additional tools: follow-up mail campaigns, inventory management, reimbursements for lost & damaged stock and other FBA errors, PPC optimizer, listing change alerts.

Get 1 month of free access to sellerboard using this link: https://www.sellerboard.com/blog