The most important factors of ranking high in search results on Amazon

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Amazon’s main goal is to maximize revenue per consumer, and A10’s goal is to link customer searches to the most relevant products in the Amazon catalog,  instantly.Amazon constantly evaluates its algorithms using behavioral factors, program analysis, key business metrics, and performance indicators.

Amazon has the three most important ranking factors in search results:

  1. Conversion rate Factors that affect the conversion rate on Amazon include:
  • BSR level (Best Sellers Rank). More sales = higher rankings, and vice versa,
  • product reviews,
  • answers to customer questions,
  • quality of the product images,
  • the amount of time customers spend on the listing, competitive price.

2. Relevance  Factors that tell A10 when to rank your listing higher in the search results, include:

  • relevant headings,
  • product description, features and bullet points
  • brand name in the heading,
  • technical and physical details in the “Specifications” section,
  • the right category and
  • Search Terms.

3. Customer satisfaction and retention.  Customer retention factors include:

  • quality and number of reviews,
  • quick order processing (for FBM sellers),
  • In-stock rate,
  • Order Defect Rate (ODR),
  • order processing speed
  • Bounce rate. This indicator shows how fast customer exits or closes your product page after viewing. The lower this indicator is, the higher your product will rank.

The bottom line

To rank higher on Amazon, you need to optimize your product listing. By providing relevant and complete information for your product, you can increase your product’s visibility and sales.

What factors, in your opinion, affect listing appearances in search results the most?

Which of these factors haven’t you heard of before?

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