5 Tips to increase your Amazon sales for Q2 2021

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Selling on Amazon requires a lot of effort and dedication. We at sellerboard have prepared five simple tips that will help your sales in Q2.

  1. Ensure your inventory forecast is updated: If you have had a successful Q4 in 2020 and reinvested the profits you’ve made into Q1 and Q2 in 2021, then you’ll be able to keep your sales high over the long term. Make sure you put some profits into Q2 inventory purchase orders as there are buyers who were unable to buy an item that was out of stock and have many of the Amazon gift cards they got as presents yet to spend. 
  2. Pivot your ads: if you have some season-specific stock left from Q4 and Q1, make sure you ‘pivot” your ads to selected areas. For example, things like warm clothing, boots, and outdoor items are bought as winter holiday gifts. However, the seasonal inventory can still be relevant in April (depending on the climate conditions and geographic location). You can highlight these products’ significant benefits and points as necessary for the next several months and target buyers in the appropriate areas using geo-targeted 3rd party ads to drive sales to your Amazon Store.  
  3. Diversify: Try to diversify your products so that you’ve got a portion of your catalog dedicated to essential products available all year round or prepare specialized inventory for each season so that you have no gaps in sales velocity. 
  4. Optimize your product page with new features: If you are brand registered, ensure that you have taken advantage of all the new features Amazon offers to help with your product page conversations.  You can now produce cost-efficient videos with royalty-free websites and update your enhanced brand content to include a brief product overview video to give your customers more clarity on why they should go with you versus the competition. 
  5. Double down on your winners: Try to look ahead to the next month, next quarter, and next year rather than looking ahead short term. Double down on your winners and start developing and selling complementary products that your existing customers need.  Get in the habit of creating a proactive business strategy versus reacting to what your competition is doing so you can feel empowered that you know where your business is going. 

Planning for the long-term and forecasting requires accurate software. Make sure you use sellerboard to stay in control of where your business is going.

sellerboard is an accurate profit analytics service for amazon sellers with additional tools: follow-up mail campaigns, inventory management, reimbursements for lost & damaged stock and other FBA errors, PPC optimizer, listing change alerts. All this starting at $15 a month with a free trial.

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