Images that boost conversion rate / Justin Froyland

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Our guest on the sellerboard show was Justin Froyland – co-owner of PCOStudio, a full service Amazon agency, which was founded as a Creative Design Agency for Amazon specializing in databased design to maximize conversion rates on Amazon.


  • Most important placements on Amazon;
  • The tools you have when optimizing a Listing;
  • Winning Gallery Images that boost conversion rate;
    …and much more!

Watch the full version by the link:

Speaker1: [00:00:07] Hello, everybody. Welcome. This is your host, Fernando from sellerboard. Today, I have a very special guest that’s going to talk about image optimization on Amazon. His name is Justin Froyland. But before you watch the presentation, you have to go to and try it out. You have all the tools for sellers on Amazon. Just click there. You can get a demo and you can start playing with the software right away. I’ll see you then. Thank you. Welcome, everybody. I have a very special guest with me today. His name is Justin from PCOStudio. Directly from Hamburg Deutschland. He’s going to talk to us about image on Amazon. Justin, thank you so much for being here.

Speaker2: [00:00:55] Thank you for having me. It’s an honor. Thank you.

Speaker1: [00:00:58] Very excited. Pleasure. My pleasure. So I’m going to go ahead with the first question that we always do. Tell us your story.

Speaker2: [00:01:08] Yes, exactly. Of course, I already checked out a few episodes, so I have an idea what’s going. What’s coming? My story, background and design.

Speaker1: [00:01:17] For.

Speaker2: [00:01:18] About ten years. So I started with design pretty pretty early with 14. I fell in love with Photoshop and stuff and then found in a second passion and marketing a few years.

Speaker1: [00:01:28] Later.

Speaker2: [00:01:29] And then dabbled in typical stuff like like a teenager does and then found yeah, just stop it over Amazon when I was like 22, founded an agency, a creative, creative agency doing product images, then developed a framework how to do database product images that you can pretty much scientifically raise conversion rates over time, which went very, very well. And now we’re taking that, now we’re taking that framework and onboarded a new partner in our agency who is a seller himself. He has the seller mind. We have this.

Speaker1: [00:02:10] New, more modern.

Speaker2: [00:02:12] Thinking about creative stuff on Amazon, and now we’re combining it in like a full service, full stack agent agency where we are like a tactical unit.

Speaker1: [00:02:22] For.

Speaker2: [00:02:23] For brands that are either focusing only on Amazon or just outside of Amazon, and then we launch their Amazon department for them. So very profit driven, very PPC driven, very creative.

Speaker1: [00:02:34] Driven.

Speaker2: [00:02:36] Approach with the agency. But today I would like to just talk about creative stuff only because I think there there’s a lot of lack still in the scene or a lack of focus.

Speaker1: [00:02:48] Oh, I like that. Tell me something that backgrounds you’re using. Can you show us that if that’s the real background or not?

Speaker2: [00:02:59] It is a background. It is. It’s a.

Speaker1: [00:03:01] Real background.

Speaker2: [00:03:02] It’s my kitchen, my new apartment.

Speaker1: [00:03:04] Yeah. That’s very beautiful. Kitchen is like in 2030 already. No.

Speaker2: [00:03:12] It is. It is. I’m very, very happy with it.

Speaker1: [00:03:15] Okay, so where do you want to start?

Speaker2: [00:03:19] And if I don’t know, I have something prepared. So I have a yes.

Speaker1: [00:03:25] They need to share screen. Do you need. What do you.

Speaker2: [00:03:27] Need? Exactly. Exactly. I would I would need to share my screen and then I can showcase what I have prepared. Real quick, is everything.

Speaker1: [00:03:38] Visible? Yes, sir. And you see. Perfect.

Speaker2: [00:03:42] Awesome. So basically, the small agenda. I’m talking about a bunch of stuff. Feel free to just chime in and ask questions. This is like a total open.

Speaker1: [00:03:53] Oh, well, don’t worry. Okay, Perfect.

Speaker2: [00:03:56] So what are we going to talk about? It’s our approach pretty much that we’ve been using now for one and a half years, optimizing listings on a more database layer. This will help you increase conversion rates. This will help you decrease costs, and this will help you increase perceived value. So these are like three things that are very, very important to in today’s age and Amazon, especially in niches where you are very price competitive, review competitive, this can give you a unfair advantage over your competition.

Speaker1: [00:04:33] Especially.

Speaker2: [00:04:35] In today’s age. Because I’ve posted something on LinkedIn a few weeks ago. Most Chinese sellers now are updating their images and they are great. They are insane. These are not like 2012 images anymore that they’re using. They have better margins, better better conditions. So it’s time for a lot of us.

Speaker1: [00:05:02] Or teaching the Chinese sellers, all this stuff. I have, I don’t know.

Speaker2: [00:05:07] Probably they have They have good connections. They have good connections. Oh, nice. Yeah. So the agenda is quick introduction, what to focus on when optimizing images to the tools that you have at tabs and then some quick examples. So nothing too complicated. This is basically where most of sellers are right now. So right here, low conversion rates, pretty expensive ad performance and not real branding. And what with our with our with this approach with which I’m going to present to you right now, you can maximize conversion rates, maximize ad performance, ad performance, and introduce something like a branding. I’m always referring to branding on Amazon in like a parentheses, because Amazon is not built to build a brand, Amazon is for.

Speaker1: [00:06:05] Selling.

Speaker2: [00:06:06] But there are other aspects of branding besides the brand building aspect that have a positive impact on your selling performance before. Because for example, if you’re on a listing and you have, for example, a soap dispenser like a super generic product and you have a product that is just white background, different angles.

Speaker1: [00:06:28] And.

Speaker2: [00:06:30] Are some other piece. And on the other hand, you have this cohesive experience through all the images. And it’s basically the same soap dispenser, the one with the great branding costs $1 more. Oftentimes you’re going to choose the $1 more expensive one, because the experience on that on that product page was much more high quality and you feel more safe to buy this product. So in a way, this is branding. It’s not brand building, but it’s increasing the perceived value. And if you’re able to charge just by that charge $1 or more on like a nine or $10 product, then this is already at the end of the year. It makes a huge, huge difference on the on the panels. So when I’m talking about branding, it’s not like building a brand. You’re not going to build the next.

Speaker1: [00:07:23] Apple.

Speaker2: [00:07:24] On Amazon. That’s not going to happen. But there are other aspects of branding that can boost performance. So basically, what is the goal when optimizing a listing? The goal is to have a higher conversion rate and the possibility to sell at higher prices.

Speaker1: [00:07:44] That’s it.

Speaker2: [00:07:45] That’s that’s the only thing. You don’t want to make it unnecessary. Pretty. You don’t want to make it fancy. You just the only goal that people have to keep in mind is to get a higher conversion rate. That’s it. And the possibility to sell at a higher price if possible.

Speaker1: [00:08:04] How to. Absolutely.

Speaker2: [00:08:06] How to do that most efficiently is to only focus on placements that bring have the highest leverage. So what we do in our agency when it comes to PPC, SEO and creatives, we always work on the highest leverage first and then we go down the list, So highest priority first and then go down the list. And from our experience and maybe you, you have your own experience as well, we see that the most important visual placements on Amazon are the title images because it’s visible everywhere, it’s on the listing, it’s on the category pages, the home page. If you’re listed there, it’s in the SERPs, it’s in DSP, it’s even in brand ads, it’s everywhere. The gallery image is a second because when it comes to when it comes to optimizing, you want to optimize the thing that’s not the fanciest and that could bring the most performance. You want to optimize the stuff that is the most visible and what is the most visible. It’s the gallery images when it comes to conveying different types of information about a product.

Speaker1: [00:09:19] So.

Speaker2: [00:09:20] That oftentimes we hear like a discussion between gallery images and a plus. And I myself am a big defendant of gallery images because the visibility is so high, the people are clicking on it, swiping through all the way. And not scrolling like 2.

Speaker1: [00:09:39] Minutes.

Speaker2: [00:09:40] To find to find the A plus some some time on the bottom of the product page so gallery images. For us the second most important placement and then the brand ads. We are seeing great results.

Speaker1: [00:09:56] And.

Speaker2: [00:09:58] Doing like. It’s really, really simple brand ad banners at the top with a small wording to the keyword that you’re targeting. Yeah, it’s a gray.

Speaker1: [00:10:07] Area, but the small wording of lifestyle images. Yeah, well, do it.

Speaker2: [00:10:14] It always depends. This is something where you’ll have to know your niche. You have to know your niche. This is the same discussion with title images. In theory, you can only show your product on white background, but in practical and practical senses, there are so many ways to.

Speaker1: [00:10:35] Put in this.

Speaker2: [00:10:36] Go around that. And and Amazon is very, very knowledgeable about that because in some niches they just don’t care at all. But and then, for example, other niches, jewelry, clothing. It’s super strict. You can’t even if the shoe lace is placed wrongly on the title image, you’re going to get flagged. But for example, when when it comes to furniture, for example, mattresses, oftentimes the title image is a lifestyle image.

Speaker1: [00:11:07] And see.

Speaker2: [00:11:07] Like, you see like the whole bed with the whole bedroom as the title.

Speaker1: [00:11:11] Image.

Speaker2: [00:11:12] So this says that Amazon in some niches is very, very strict and some other niches, it’s very, very loose. The same goes with the brand ads. If you’re selling in a niche.

Speaker1: [00:11:24] That.

Speaker2: [00:11:25] Is known to be very relaxed, then you can try this. I wouldn’t bulk upload 20 creatives for 20 different keywords. I would just try one first and see if something happens. From our experience, we of course tell our clients that this is this is going in an undiscovered direction. But if they, if they’re fine to take some some kind of risk, then this works. Amazingly. It’s like just showcasing. I don’t know if I have something prepared about that. I don’t think I have something here, but just showcasing, for example, if you have a pet fur remover. And you want to target the keyword pet pet fur.

Speaker1: [00:12:13] Remover.

Speaker2: [00:12:14] Cat. You show a stock image of the cat. Then you show the product as a rendered on the side and then just some kind of small wording on the bottom. Or if you want to play it very, very safe, the headline on the top and talk about some kind.

Speaker1: [00:12:32] Of.

Speaker2: [00:12:32] Perfect for cats. And then on the side you have the carousel of the products. And this works at best. You link to the storefront. This works like magic because you’re picking up when you when you’re thinking about a customer journey perspective, you’re picking up the people right at the top. Directly to that Pine Point that they put into Amazon Pet hair Remover Cat. And then there’s an image of a cat and the pet hair remover and it’s forecast. So it works very, very well. So that’s why we like to put that ahead of a plus. And then video ads in the US, it’s getting rolled out even more and you get more impressions. In Germany, it’s still very limited. You can’t just spend like crazy amounts of money on a video ad because the visibility is just limited. And then stuff like storefront. And about the brand storefront, I would say 80% of people on Amazon still don’t know how to access a storefront of a specific brand and on the product page, for example, and the about the brand section, it’s always a question if you’re if you’re if you have a listing and you have a great title. Images six Insanely good optimized gallery images A plus. Do you really need the about the brand section? Is it.

Speaker1: [00:14:03] I mean.

Speaker2: [00:14:05] I mean, come on. Apple sells insanely complicated MacBooks on a one pager. If they can do it, you can do it, too. So that’s like the our tier list of what the most important placements are on on Amazon when it comes to visuals.

Speaker1: [00:14:28] Your brain is 100% visual just for the presentation that you’re doing. We never had the presentation so visual here on the channel, and it just shows that just shows the capacity that you have to really work on the image. I cannot wait to see some examples later. Yeah.

Speaker2: [00:14:48] Yeah. I’ve been doing nothing, nothing else than that for the last year’s three years. So it’s been a very intensive deep dive. So when we when we talked about like, what’s the goal? So increasing conversion rates and how to, how to be very efficient about it and do it in the right order because people ask us sometimes, man, do I need to do like the about the brand section? It’s like, no, your images are bad. Do them first. So that’s like.

Speaker1: [00:15:21] The.

Speaker2: [00:15:22] Thing. So when you’re going into the highest leverage possible with product images. Then you have some kind of different tools at your fingertips. You have your photo assets. Do you have the model that you’re choosing for the photo shooting? If you’re if you have to choose, if you have to work with the model, you have the sales copy that you are including in your gallery images or in the A plus. This is now.

Speaker1: [00:15:49] For.

Speaker2: [00:15:49] All the but I’m always referring to the gallery images. Sales copy. Then you have the displayed information that you’re choosing. So what information are you showing? And then you have the branding and the order of the images. So the notion of all those will determine your performance, of your visual, of your of your gallery images. And at best, you take all those.

Speaker1: [00:16:18] Tools and.

Speaker2: [00:16:19] Model them towards the pain of your target customer that you’re trying to.

Speaker1: [00:16:25] Solve.

Speaker2: [00:16:26] So that’s that’s these are the basic principles of like sales funnels in the info product niche or in the ecommerce niche. This is stuff that’s been tested thousands and millions or ten thousands, tens of thousands of times of other marketers that are selling on their online shop or selling on sales funnels for info products. And these are like the principles that they use bear down and they’re the same stuff applies to to Amazon. So the question now shows what photo assets are good, what models should I use, what sales copy should I use, What information should I show? How should I build out the branding in a rough sense? And what order of the images should I show? What how should I order them? And the great thing is Amazon.

Speaker1: [00:17:21] Tells you you.

Speaker2: [00:17:22] Just have to look and how you look. It’s it’s pretty easy.

Speaker1: [00:17:28] You.

Speaker2: [00:17:30] Look into either you can do this with helium, you can do this with I don’t know if it’s allowed to refer other software on here, but it’s not a sellable competitor.

Speaker1: [00:17:41] Now, I’m glad you’ve been with us. Helium ten. Now you have to use you have to sell the board. Don’t use.

Speaker2: [00:17:49] You have to. We use celebrate as well. Big fans, by the way.

Speaker1: [00:17:51] Nice.

Speaker2: [00:17:55] So you can use helium ten. You can use. I’m personally a fan of amylase. My partner, for example, is a big fan of helium, so we just use our own tools. And then you can either some kind of a keyword tool and some kind of a backwards search tool. That’s basically it. And then you’re going into into the into your product and find out what are people looking for and why are they looking for what intentions are they looking for. And this now is like a very, I would say, dark place in today’s marketing, because you have to take numbers and put them into perspective with like human empathy. So this is where you have to ask yourself some questions. What are people thinking? What are people what are the motivation of people going on the platform and trying to buy? So it’s taking the data, the buying, yeah. And turn it into buying intentions. And here’s an example which I’ve also talked about with Christian from amylase. So this is a. This is a product that we’ve optimized, I think a year ago, and it’s it’s my favorite case study. It’s a trash can in the US. And when you do like a backward search and this is just I’m not going to go.

Speaker1: [00:19:23] Super.

Speaker2: [00:19:24] Deep here, I’m just going to give the idea of how to do the keyword analysis and the idea of how to look into the data and ask the questions that you’re supposed to ask. And then you can you can do it for yourself at home. It’s it’s a lot of trial and error. So just by looking at the backwards search of this listing we saw. So before we optimize this, this is the optimization. So this is how it looks right now. We saw that this product is ranking on retro trash can, vintage trash can, poop trash can for dogs, pet waste bin five gallon trash can with lid poop can with lid for for outside outdoor waste bin for dogs and dog poop Trash can odor control so it doesn’t smell. So this is a normal trash can. This is not supposed to be for dogs. This is not supposed to be for poop. But it turned out that it’s ranking on that. And 30, 31% of the organic sales are coming from these.

Speaker1: [00:20:30] Two, four.

Speaker2: [00:20:31] Six.

Speaker1: [00:20:32] Eight, eight.

Speaker2: [00:20:33] Keywords. And now, now it’s time to dissect it. So the first few, the first two are talking about the design. So this tells us that the design of the trash can is relevant. Then the next two are talking about the fact that this is people are looking for a product where they can throw the, the poop bags of their dogs in. So this is important. So when people are looking for to solve this pain and you’re ranking their. It’s only logical if you’re picking this up in your listing and telling the people that this is possible with this product, that your conversion conversion rate is going to rise because people are feeling heard. People are people are feeling like they get picked up from the airport. It’s always a nice service. So that’s a that’s a great thing. So and then the next one five gallon trash can with lid shows us which features about the trash can are relevant to people here five gallon trash can with lid are searched by 2000 people a month. 2000 people are looking for this. They are looking for five gallons and with a lid. So five gallons is important for 2000 people and that some kind of connection to the lid is also important for 2000 people. And then there’s even more dog poop. And then you have in the middle outdoor. So this is also important place of use.

Speaker1: [00:22:08] And I really like that because I sell trash cans. I sell small trash cans. Oh, I need one. Yeah.

Speaker2: [00:22:16] That’s a hit.

Speaker1: [00:22:18] Yeah.

Speaker2: [00:22:19] And this is just the backwards search. What you can do now. As you can take all those keywords and all the main keywords that are super, super high relevant, but you’re not ranking as high. So for example, for this case, just trash can in general and those and put it in something like the analyzer, the entity search or in the ten magnet and see what other keywords are connected with this keyword. And with all those data points that you can summarize in.

Speaker1: [00:22:55] A Google.

Speaker2: [00:22:56] Sheet or something, that’s what we how we do.

Speaker1: [00:22:58] It.

Speaker2: [00:23:00] You can get the data set, you can get the foundation and then start to ask the questions What keywords are most relevant to your product? What problem are you actually solving and what product and what problem is your target audience looking for to be solved? What does the customer need to know? This is a big one. This is very important. What does the customer need to know to feel safe to buy? This because it’s all about friction. It’s all about friction. We want to keep out all the friction and make it just as smooth buying experience that the people can be held even.

Speaker1: [00:23:39] Driving.

Speaker2: [00:23:41] On the highway. And because people are doing this and then just put it into cart and buy it because it’s such an easy experience informing yourself about the product that that they’re just by then. What are other names and descriptions for your product? This is often not so relevant for a lot of people. Where do people use your product? Big one. Again, just in the first eight eight keywords from this from the trash can, we saw that people are looking for an outdoor solution. So this is already important. And as you can see, when you do a more extensive keyword research, it showed that people, a lot of people are looking for indoor and outdoor for this product.

Speaker1: [00:24:27] Mm hmm.

Speaker2: [00:24:30] What they would do can be used indoor and outdoor. So that’s super important. Who uses your product? Who does your audience identify with? This is also a big one because, for example, if you’re selling a product related, for example, in the pet niche. And you’re you’re directing a product towards a type of dog, for example, that oftentimes is.

Speaker1: [00:24:56] Old people have.

Speaker2: [00:25:02] Now the question arises when you look at your tools. Is it smart to have an old person in the product images.

Speaker1: [00:25:11] Or.

Speaker2: [00:25:12] A lot of old people? A lot of seniors identify with children. They see their past. This is an emotional connection. So it is is it more smart to showcase a child playing with that? Then they connecting it with with their grandchildren, for example, it’s like a a joint joint supplement. The dog is getting older, can’t run as fast anymore. Maybe it’s the emotional connection there to show a child with that dog.

Speaker1: [00:25:43] Playing.

Speaker2: [00:25:45] Like nothing would be like everyone is healthy. So this is like a big one as well. Who does your audience identify with for a trash can? Oftentimes not so relevant. This is more like for emotional products. And then who buys the product? Oftentimes, products are being bought by other people that. For example, if you have seniors a product targeted to seniors, oftentimes the children buy it.

Speaker1: [00:26:12] If you have a.

Speaker2: [00:26:13] Product targeted to children, oftentimes the parents buy it. So that’s you always have to direct to the gatekeeper who’s who’s doing the buying decision. And this is.

Speaker1: [00:26:26] Not.

Speaker2: [00:26:27] Not saying that when you’re selling toys that you’re trying to.

Speaker1: [00:26:32] Show a Porsche.

Speaker2: [00:26:34] Because you’re directing it to to the gatekeeper. It’s just showcasing what a parent wants to know about a toy.

Speaker1: [00:26:42] And yeah.

Speaker2: [00:26:45] And when you break it down this, I’ll just go through it one by one. All the tools that you have. These are the things that you can do. So for the title image or do you have a question before that?

Speaker1: [00:26:57] No, no, go ahead. Okay. Okay. It.

Speaker2: [00:27:06] It has to be fully data optimized. This means the angle that you’re showing should have a reason why you’re showing that.

Speaker1: [00:27:15] He was shown.

Speaker2: [00:27:18] That angle because. For the trash can. It showcases the specific lid or it showcases the pedal, or it showcases the hook because the people are looking for hook at the end, or if the people are looking for variance, for example, trash can read and you’re selling a trash can in red, blue, green and yellow. Then it’s important to showcase your variants because people are looking for different kinds of colors and then showcasing features that are people looking for for their images. And this is the same for a plus. Showcase the product in a natural use case environment, show the product fixing the problem of the people. This can be a logical problem. For example, if you need if your toilet is clogged, it’s I’m in that topic right now with the trash can. But if you if you have, for example, or like a hose is broken. Showcase it being fixed if you have an emotional problem, for example the joint tablet for the dogs then. Showcase. This problem being fixed, you don’t have to showcase the biological process process of the of the supplements during their thing. You can just showcase that the dog is feeling better.

Speaker1: [00:28:37] Now and then.

Speaker2: [00:28:40] Show the emotion. That’s a big one as well. Show the emotion.

Speaker1: [00:28:45] Which.

Speaker2: [00:28:46] Results or when you fix the problem, what emotion.

Speaker1: [00:28:51] Will.

Speaker2: [00:28:52] Come out of that show that. So, for example, again, dog supplements, feeling free, running around, being happy, or for example, in the garden, being happy, happy that something is fixed or anything like that.

Speaker1: [00:29:09] Then for the model.

Speaker2: [00:29:12] That’s the easy one. Again, what I already mentioned, either show your target audience. Or what your target audience is relating to.

Speaker1: [00:29:22] Pretty easy.

Speaker2: [00:29:24] And then when it comes to the sales copy, this is something people are still not doing. And I can’t get why, Because if if you’re looking back into marketing in the last hundred years, it’s been the same sales copy is is.

Speaker1: [00:29:42] The.

Speaker2: [00:29:43] Focal point of selling. Cigarette companies have 50 in the newspapers. Car companies have done it every photo for the last 100 years. Its sales copy has been the thing. And now you have people like Tony Robbins selling hundreds and hundreds of millions of things in basically digital products just by the words he chooses and the brand that he has. So sales copy is super important and people on Amazon are neglecting it as basically the only player in the Internet space of selling is Amazon. Sellers are the only people that neglecting that space. So here all the basic principles of sales, copy and copywriting apply. And what I mean by sales copy is something like this and something like that, that like picking the people up in the images and showcasing what the problem is being solved, just stuff like that. So we’ll go into the examples afterwards again. But so. Telling the people how you can fix the problem or selling them the vacation, like selling them the result and that now that’s what we’ve what we’ve come up with is including the keywords that the people are looking for.

Speaker1: [00:31:12] The sales copy.

Speaker2: [00:31:13] So they search. I mean, if you search something and people are picking the exact words up in the second image. What you feel heard what you feel listened to, what you feel picked up.

Speaker1: [00:31:29] Probably right.

Speaker2: [00:31:32] Yeah. So it’s just a just a great thing to do when you want to when you want to increase the increase, the conversion rate is picking up the people with the keywords that they’re looking for, forming them into a nice sales copy that that showcases the product and sells the product. When it comes to displayed information, what you what you should show is stuff like because people it’s still e commerce. You can’t touch it, you can’t feel it, you can’t get a sense of it. So size materials, use cases and a big one. Who is this not for. This is something that people are still not like. 99% of people are doing not doing this, especially, for example, in supplement niches and such showcasing just who is is not for. Rather have a click and not a purchase than a return. So. Just showcasing, man. This product is for women between 20 and 60. And then you all the all the returns that are from some dude are neglected. So that’s that’s already a big win. And then branding already covered most of it there. The goal here is not to build a brand, it’s to have a high perceived value. So coming up with a sense of it’s not it doesn’t have to be tough on Amazon having a cohesive logo, cohesive.

Speaker1: [00:33:10] Font.

Speaker2: [00:33:11] Color palette, and then that combined with fitting product photography. And good sales copy, and that’s already brand enough so we don’t have to do like a whole CI. You don’t have to do the whole. Apple brand building thing or like doesn’t have to be that complicated. It can be done quick and it can be done done good. But it doesn’t mean that if it’s easy, doesn’t mean that it should be neglected what most people are still doing. So that’s that’s a very important thing, especially because of those points raises perceived value. Word to mouth marketing makes your listings stand out, especially in very saturated markets, provides a feeling of safety and raises the chances of a cross sale, which are very.

Speaker1: [00:34:06] Rare.

Speaker2: [00:34:07] But can happen on Amazon. So and then the last the last tool you have are the order of images. And this is where it comes from, selling pieces everywhere to having complete a to forming a sales funnel. And this is something we mostly do for the gallery images because again, visibility is just the highest the people are on there, they’re clicking on it and the images, boom, they’re already there and I just have to swipe through.

Speaker1: [00:34:38] So.

Speaker2: [00:34:41] What is the product? That’s the title image. What then? The second image? What problem can it solve? Boom first. That already either neglects the people that don’t want to buy and interest and hooks the people that want to buy. Then how does it work? How big is it? What materials are using? And then you can go into like, objection, treatment one and object, an objection treatment to that. That is.

Speaker1: [00:35:12] Super.

Speaker2: [00:35:14] Individual. So if you’re selling a specific product and you know that people have doubts about it working or doubts about your quality or doubts about.

Speaker1: [00:35:25] Anything, then you.

Speaker2: [00:35:28] Should use those.

Speaker1: [00:35:29] Slots to.

Speaker2: [00:35:31] Reemphasize the feeling of safety here, that those doubts are not relevant for that product and that the people are feel can feel free and can feel safe to buy. So that’s and then at last, having a source that’s been working also very well, having a social proof image. So showcasing people using the product at best a cost with actual customers using the product.

Speaker1: [00:36:02] And then.

Speaker2: [00:36:03] Some kind of. Um, certificates, some kind of placements and big publications or some kind of an.

Speaker1: [00:36:18] Hmm.

Speaker2: [00:36:18] Well, unfavorable social proof. That can be something like units sold, reviews, gotten, life changed, something like that. So, for example, if you can display 50,000 happy customers. No one’s going to question you at the end like your present. So that’s that’s already like a big win. And that’s as you can see, it’s a funnel. What is your product? Super broad. What problem can it solve? Super broad and then it goes down. How does it work? The people that see this image have showed interest. They want to know more. So you explain them. How does it work? What materials are being used? How big is it? Does it fit in my living room, whatever it is? And then then they’ve learned more. They’ve learned what it can solve. They can learn, they learn how big it is, and then they then the doubts come up, then the reasons come up not to buy it. And then you go into that reason and you treat those reasons and cure those reasons. And the people, Oh, my, my, my doubts are gone. I feel safe. And then you hit them with the social proof at the end.

Speaker1: [00:37:35] Boom.

Speaker2: [00:37:37] So that’s and this is everywhere. This is not rocket science. If you look at any any sales funnel of an info product, this is done there. This is look at Apple’s landing page. This is done there as well. So this is basic practice and this is just migrated towards Amazon that it works on Amazon. And if you do that just picking up on the on the graph on from the beginning, then you can increase your conversion rate which will have this positive, positive loop to increasing your ad performance and then your branding as well. If you’re branding is great or not, it should. It’s maybe not interesting to you if you’re not just looking out for those positive impacts of a good branding. But if you’re looking to sell your brand sometime in the future, aggregators are actually looking for that. So you’ll probably have you’ll probably get a better deal if you have a well branded listing, well branded listings with a good branded storefront, then aggregators oftentimes will. B will give you better rates. So this is basically this is basically the before. Note for the products. This is just I looked for 5 minutes for shitty product images on Amazon. This doesn’t take.

Speaker1: [00:39:08] Long.

Speaker2: [00:39:11] And found some here and then if you apply that and I guarantee I could or we could do great listings for every single one of these products. Guess what? What kind of product is this? On the bottom left.

Speaker1: [00:39:31] Oh, that looks like a smoothie.

Speaker2: [00:39:36] It’s a protein shake.

Speaker1: [00:39:38] Okay. Very cool.

Speaker2: [00:39:40] Yeah, but, I mean, come on.

Speaker1: [00:39:43] Terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible, terrible. And.

Speaker2: [00:39:47] On the right. You can see this is this is like already branding enough, like this purple background with the wave. This is already branding enough for Amazon. The blue, dark blue background with the gradient. This is enough, but you don’t need to overcomplicate it. But this already makes these products look so much more high quality than the left that if you’re comparing prices and the one is $0.50 or a dollar more expensive than the other, especially if you’re selling in the price range of 35, 30, $40 and it’s just $0.50 or a dollar difference. And the one side is looking like that and the other side is looking like that, and both have the same amount of reviews. And probably going to buy this one. And this is going to make.

Speaker1: [00:40:37] A huge, huge.

Speaker2: [00:40:39] Huge, huge difference at the end of.

Speaker1: [00:40:42] The year.

Speaker2: [00:40:43] So nice just to make it the quick recap or the quick finalisation of the presentation and then I’m done. What are images image types that have worked for us very well. These are big captions, So showcasing the product, this is oftentimes the second image. So right off the title image, just showcasing the product, what it does, what what it can solve, what it can solve.

Speaker1: [00:41:12] Pretty simple.

Speaker2: [00:41:14] No design award will be handed to me for this because this is super simple, but it works so. And it looks clean, looks high. Quality done. Then what? What I’ve mentioned from the last image. So the social proof. Trusted quality featured in Men’s Journal, for example. 13,000 happy customers. This is German. Unfortunately, this means like from professional use by professionals. And then with the certification. Picks people.

Speaker1: [00:41:49] Up.

Speaker2: [00:41:50] Then the next one, which also works, is especially because for mobile dimensions, is the three piece collage, either with text or without just showcasing.

Speaker1: [00:42:01] For example.

Speaker2: [00:42:03] You’re saving three images here, image slots here, if you would put it on white background, just the back showcasing the leather touches. Done. That’s it. There’s no need for a branding for a word in here. You could say high quality leather, but you can tell it’s high quality leather by the image. So it’s not necessary. Then, for example, showcasing the different kinds of carrying methods for muted.

Speaker1: [00:42:29] Can you take pictures here? Do you take pictures here on your service?

Speaker2: [00:42:33] We used to we used to do that. But it’s a logistical nightmare if you do it on scale. So we put that out. But we for our clients, oftentimes, that’s the that’s the that’s the most amazing thing about it. Oftentimes the brands have great assets, but they don’t use it.

Speaker1: [00:42:52] Oh, we have we have.

Speaker2: [00:42:55] Clients that have crazy thousands of images. They have photoshoot things done in like New.

Speaker1: [00:43:01] Zealand and then they.

Speaker2: [00:43:04] Don’t use it. They go for the white, white background images on Amazon. So it’s it’s it’s fairly insane but even though you can do it also with 3D renders which we also offer so. Getting like a nice for example, if you’re selling fresh cans, you can go on to squid and buy like a.

Speaker1: [00:43:24] Room.

Speaker2: [00:43:25] Like a living room, 3D rendered.

Speaker1: [00:43:28] And then you let.

Speaker2: [00:43:30] People can render your product, model it, put it in that room, take a photo in 3D like that, and it looks real. So for especially for products that are not emotional, that don’t need like real models, it’s super easy to do the render or even with stock images. The great the only thing you have to look out with stock images is you can’t just keep photoshopping the product in the hands of people. It looks fake. Just stop doing this. You have to use stock photos in a good sensical manner.

Speaker1: [00:44:07] This these three are absolutely right.

Speaker2: [00:44:11] These three right here, The dog, the woman and the man are stock images. It works. You just have to make it not look totally horrible. So, yeah, the three piece collage, then the typical one is like the bullet point image, having like a large wording on the top and then showcasing three relevant informations that you’ve looked out for. And then the keyword research. Then classical before and afters. Also super simple, but make a huge difference. And then again, size and materials. And this is also very important when it comes to size. Always just showcase the relevant sizes. If you’re selling supplements, don’t showcase how big the jars, showcase how much, how many tablets are in there. It’s not relevant showcasing how big the jar is. You don’t. You want to showcase how long is this treatment going to go for Me When do I have to buy new ones? There are 62 tablets in there, so I need to have to buy every one every two months. So this is important, for example, for this bag. Materials. We showcase leather. We showcase that there are more outside pockets than the weight and the size because this is a product that needs a lot of explanation.

Speaker2: [00:45:38] But then, for example, here, all the size, that’s it. You don’t need to showcase any more. And for example, for supplements, that’s what we we recommend doing is something like that, especially if you have something with more clarification. When it comes to size, for example, you need half a tablet If you’re this heavy and two tablets. If you’re this heavy, then do it like this. Give the people the information they need to feel safe. So that’s basically it. So when it comes to the takeaways, there are basically only to look at your data. And then with that, find out or know what people are looking for. But the main thing is what are people trying to solve and or trying to achieve Every single one on Amazon that is searching something. It can be any product and people always say, Oh, it’s not, it’s not relevant. In my case, it’s relevant in your case. It’s like even if you’re selling like.

Speaker1: [00:46:44] Decor.

Speaker2: [00:46:45] Then people are trying to solve their boring.

Speaker1: [00:46:47] Home.

Speaker2: [00:46:48] Or they’re an aesthetic home, then go to that pain. So for every single one, they are trying to solve anything or achieve any anything. So then you use all your tools that I’ve mentioned. So model, product images, sales, copy and so on, and focus these points onto your customer avatar. And then the second, second recap is only focus on placements that bring performance and are the most visible. First, you can think about optimizing your storefront sometimes at the.

Speaker1: [00:47:26] End.

Speaker2: [00:47:26] Do your title image and gallery images first and then or the above the brand section. You can do that in the future, but. Through those two at first. If you want to skip that and go to a plus, that’s fine. But no need to focus all your attention on video ads right now. This is going to stay and it’s going to be developing over time.

Speaker1: [00:47:50] But these.

Speaker2: [00:47:52] Four, I would say, are still the most.

Speaker1: [00:47:54] Relevant.

Speaker2: [00:47:55] So focus on those first. And that’s pretty much it from my side.

Speaker1: [00:48:00] Nice. Let me ask you something. How do people get in contact with you?

Speaker2: [00:48:05] Uh, that can just hit me up on LinkedIn, I would say is the best Justin Freeland I can. Just because my last name is a bit weird. People will probably find me like that super easy. And other than that, on our website, I don’t want to do too many plugs. You can just. That’s our website. Just write an email. If you if you don’t have LinkedIn and can.

Speaker1: [00:48:30] You can you open your website so we can take a look at it? Of course there is already. Uh, yeah.

Speaker2: [00:48:41] Okay, cool. So, yeah, we are basically like.

Speaker1: [00:48:44] A full.

Speaker2: [00:48:45] The word full service has such a negative term, I think. But yeah, we’re we’re full. Service, full service agency. We do everything from listing optimization, PPC strategy.

Speaker1: [00:49:01] Everything that people need. So yeah. Nice. Nice. Justin, thank you very much for being here. I loved your contacts. I think I may have some people for you and. Yeah, and thank you. Thank you so much, guys. I’ll see you guys in the next video. You wait because I have talked to you. All right. Thank you, guys. Bye bye.

Speaker2: [00:49:27] Okay. Okay. Thank you for your time. Thank you. Have a great day.

Speaker1: [00:49:36] And that was our interview with Justin Froyland from PCOStudio. Thank you so much for watching. If you haven’t already, you have to go to the sellerboard and start to try it. Right now, you start playing with the software. You have a demo and you’re going to see all the tools that you need to be successful on Amazon. I’ll see you guys in the next video. Bye bye.