Preventing FBA Inbound Shipping Issues Is Essential! 

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Sometimes losing a week’s worth of sales on your hero ASIN can cost you big on your monthly revenue goals.  A crucial part of having your stock available at Amazon FBA ensures your inbound shipping plans are accurate.  Your inventory can be available for sale sooner when your shipments comply with the Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) policy.

Common shipping problems include abandoning shipments (deviating from your approved shipping plan), deleting shipments, and deleting ASINs from specific shipment IDs when included on other shipment or manifest IDs.

How to avoid these shipping problems:

  • Make sure you and your employees understand FBA’s shipping policies.
  • Have your suppliers confirm that inventory is available for the entire shipping plan before you confirm the shipping plan with Amazon.
  • Account for sales order count deviations.  Often suppliers produce a slight variance from the number of inventory units than was ordered. It is typically acceptable for a manufacturing partner to deliver 10% more or less than contracted on your sales order. Ensuring the inventory’s actual count before creating an inbound shipping plan is key to compliance with Amazon.
  • Once you approve a shipping plan, add validation steps to ensure that your products are shipped to Amazon as stated in the plan. 

Don’t delete any of the shipments in a multi-destination shipping plan after you approve that plan.  If the inbound shipment hasn’t arrived at an FBA center within 30 days, Amazon will consider this a violation of their policy. The exception is when one or more of your shipments is delayed solely because of an Amazon partnered carrier’s action or comission.

For more information on the latest FBA inbound shipping requirements, see FBA inventory requirements.

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