Sometimes Amazon can Lose or Damage your FBA Inventory while it is at an FBA Warehouse

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Per their policy, Amazon has 30 days to locate your item(s) and put it back in your sellable inventory. If the item is deemed missing for 30 days, they will reimburse it to you. This doesn’t happen in 100% of cases though, so sometimes you can end up without the inventory and with no reimbursement. 

The “Money Back” feature in sellerboard finds such errors and shows them to you in a format which you can directly use to open a seller support ticket and ask the amazon team to double check what happened. In most cases, the seller support decides to reimburse the lost or damaged items to the seller or they find the missing items.

For the seller, it’s net profit with a minimal effort: just download the list in sellerboard and use our template to open a ticket.

You can check if amazon owes you any money under the menu item “Money Back” in your sellerboard account.

sellerboard is an accurate profit analytics service with additional tools: follow-up mail campaigns, inventory management, reimbursements for lost & damaged stock and other FBA errors, PPC optimizer, listing change alerts.

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